Advanced authentication solutions provider & niche player in IT security domain, has strong track record in advanced IT security solutions.
Euro-Smartict is an advanced authentication solutions provider & niche player in IT security domain, established in 1998 and headquartered in the Netherlands and it operates in different markets in Europe and the Middle East and has strong track record in advanced IT security solutions and services and it also provides:
1. Professional Services:
- Security Vision & Strategy
- Risk Analysis, Policies & Open Standards
- Security Architecture & Design
- RFPs, Tenders Evaluation & Vendors/Suppliers Selection
- Deployment Coaching
- Quality Assurance & Control
- Evaluation, Support & After Care
2. Advanced Authentication:
- Identity & Access Management (IAM) & Governance
- Identity Cards, ICAO e-Passports & eDriving Licenses
- Automatic Border Control & e-Gates
- National PKI & Digital Signature
- Validation Gateways & Verification Services
- Smart cards apps development & Cryptography
- Secure Internet & Mobile Banking Services
- IoT Security & Blockchain
3. Cyber Security & Defence
- Agile Security
- Ethical Hacking
- Pen-Testing
- Red Teaming (offensive)
- Blue Teaming (deffensive)